Thursday 31 March 2011

Initial model ideas

Theo Jansons mechanism/kinetic scupltures

Dutch designer Theo Janson creates these beautiful walking kinectic scupltures powerd by wind. He uses genetic algorithms to make them guide smoothly across open spaces. From the second video the mechanism looks to be very simpl and easily replicable.

Moths have always intrigued me. As most people see them as pests when they find thier way inside I'd love to show how beautiful they really are. With the amount of weeks I have left though producing a scaled model of one won't be feasible. Maybe something explaining the different species, shapes, clours and wing camouflage.

Mexican Walking Fish/Axolotl
The Axolotl belongs to the Tiger Salamander species. These are offically on the IUCN Red List under critically endangered because of water pollution from the expanding city of Mexico and the presense of carp and tilapia fish competing for food. What is most interesting is these are more common as pets and in the wild and soon only a captive bred species will exsist. Axololts have two naturally occurring colours, in the wild - brown usually with spots and in captivity - leucistic or albino like in the image above.

Norwegian Lemming
Apart form being very cute these lemmings are also on the IUCN Red List as being close to extinction. They spend the winter months under the thick layers of snow feeding on the frozen vegetation beneath. Due to golbal warming causing warmer winters the lemmings are exposed to predators like the Snowy Owl and Snow fox.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Communication & Interaction Research Blog

I will be using this blog page to document research in my Communication & Interaction project. As the brief asks for I will be producing an exhibit model, suitable for exhibition or museum display. This should have a clear value, a use and communicate a message to involve the viewer and encourage participation.

In this project the model itself can not stand alone. Graphics and text will play a major part in effectively communicating the information needed to educate my audience. This needs to be carefully thought about from the very start of the project once I have chosen a topic as a variety of media communicating my educational message will be key to a successful exhibition or display.

The topics for this project that I'm most interested in are:
  • An object that enables boarder access and participation.
  • A reconstruction of something too valuable, fragile or too large to exhibit.
  • An object that promotes awareness of an issue or surprising.